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The reality of Summer in Turkey

July sees the thermometer hit 40+ºC and occasionally into the 50’s! This of course means that less gets done during the hot hours of the day - but the “cool” of the evening offers the comfort of long warm nights of only 30+ºC

Church activities continue but it is the time for holidays and so many seek out the coast to swim and relax with their family. Certainly along the Mediterranean coast there are many Turkish families enjoying time together. May they meet Jesus during this time away!

July saw Lynda choose to return to the cooler climate in England and Paul return to Turkey after spending time on a road trip with his brother, something that gave them quality time together.

Martin and Sandie returned to England to prepare for their trip to USA. More of that shortly!


• Thanks for the safe travels for Martin and Sandie as they travel long distances in USA to share a little of what God is doing in Turkey through Giving Hope

• Thanks for the five baptisms recently

• Thanks for the five young people who are attending church for the first time

• We continue to thank God for the new church buildings planned in Aydin and Gaziantep

• Finally, give thanks for the summer period of sunshine and times of much needed rest for many


Pray for:

• Martin & Sandies USA trip that they may have times of refreshing as well as times of sharing.

• Ali & Nergiz also to have some refreshing time, ideally on a holiday.

• Judith following Scott’s death. He has had Dementia for two years which progressed quickly and he was admitted to hospital with Covid and died peacefully holding Judith’s hand

• Lynda’s chest as her COPD is causing her some distress

• Holy Spirit to be active in the lives of people here in Turkey (and elsewhere of course!)

• The Prayer House in Istanbul which seeks some funding. Currently there is 10+ hours a day of prayer there.

• The five people recently baptised for them to grow in faith as they follow Jesus

• Bulent asks us to pray for the five young brothers and sisters to remain in the hands of the Lord. These are young people under the age of 18 who come to the church, this is a negative situation legally in Turkey. May the Lord give us wisdom on how to deal with this issue.

• For the new church started in Hatay, the area devastated by the earthquake last year


Martin and Sandie continue their time in the USA “Talking Turkey” to churches and Home Groups and return to England for the end of July. At the time of writing they have spoken and been well received in many churches with more planned during August. They say how encouraging the believers in America have been and although tired from travelling are energised by the reception they have received and the love given to them by the saints. It’s wonderful being part of God’s enormous family with brothers and sisters wherever we go!

Churches in Fethiye, Dalaman and Ortaca will be down on numbers until the holiday season passes and September comes with less crazy temperatures, but God is still at work and Paul has been able to have spiritual conversations with some of those who have challenges in their lives.

Bulent, Gulcan and their family are coming to Fethiye in August for a weeks’ much needed holiday and Ali & Nergiz are also hoping to have a break. Paul and Lynda have a variety of guests coming to stay with them over the next two months including the only person Paul has ever baptised at midnight!


A Special Prayer & Worship event is planned in Istanbul for November 5th starting at 7pm and continues nonstop until 9pm on November 7th. It is hoped to be supported by many Turks from different cities and also by some from outside of Turkey. What a great opportunity to take a Mission Trip with your church or Home Group!


For your ongoing prayers, encouragement and support. It would be a great help if you could visit our web site at this address: as this will enable the site to move up the rankings in Google!

and a final thought for this month:

“I don’t think churches have to send a lot of money to make an impact (in Missions). I think they can make it through personal association with these churches and by having periodic exchanges with these leaders who can describe what’s going on. It is helpful to have churches ‘over there’ aware that churches ‘over here’ are thinking of them”

May God bless you all.

Giving Hope to Turkey Prayer Letter - July 2024